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FMCSA Accident is available from the App Store on iPhone or in the App Store here.

We are proud to launch FMCSA Accident, a new app designed to help trucking and bus companies make the right decision on when to send employees for drug and alcohol testing after an accident.


In 2013, the last year complete data was available, there were 327,000 police-reported crashes involving large trucks. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires that all accidents be evaluated to determine if federal post-accident drug and alcohol testing is required. These requirements are outlined extensively in 49 CFR Part 382.303 and are distilled into our easy-to-use app. We are confident that FMCSA Accident will give you piece of mind whenever you may need to determine if a federal post-accident drug and alcohol test is necessary.


What is FMSCA Accident? FMCSA Accident is a straightforward, user-friendly app that ensures the right decision is made on the road. FMCSA Accident doesn’t replace your existing post-accident drug and alcohol testing procedures – it augments them.


FMCSA Accident allows you to easily assess whether or not an event is a FMCSA-qualified accident and directs you to either administer post-accident drug and alcohol testing or prohibit such testing from being conducted.


Though accident scenes are chaotic, your decision-making process doesn’t have to be.


Prompt Decision Making: Analyzing an accident on FMSCA Accident is intuitive. Simply navigate through a few critical questions to determine if federally mandated testing thresholds have been met.

Sharing: Once the decisions are made, a summary email is sent to the employer’s DER, relevant supervisors or Third Party Administrator, or any designated person with a brief description of the accident. If federal testing is required, the employer is reminded to ensure that the test is performed in a manner compliant with 49 CFR Part 40. No frills, no confusion…just sharing information with the decision makers who matter most to this process.

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